Organizations and amounts funded in 2009 by the Mission Hill/Fenway Neighborhood Trust, Inc.
Boston Center for Independent Living, fiscal agent for:
neighborhood access group
$ 1,500
For "My Favorite Route" project, monthly meeting expenses, and special events
fenway community development corporation
$ 2,000
Coordination of efforts to plan and implement short-term, improvements on Peterborough Street
k-street facility committee, inc.
$ 3,500
Updating of furniture and carpeting in meeting facility
Friends of Ramler Park, fiscal agent for:
ambiance music
$ 4,000
For summer musical productions in Ramler Park and a venue in Mission Hill
Emerald Necklace Conservancy, fiscal agent for:
fenway civic association
$ 2,200
For summer jazz concert series at Mothers' Rest Playground
the fenway garden society
$ 1,000
For translation (Spanish, Russian, Chinese) of membership applications and rules and guidelines
roxbury tenants of harvard association
$ 3,000
For massage program to serve elderly and disabled RTH residents
benjamin healthcare center
$ 5,000
For expanded intergenerational enrichment program in partnership with Roxbury Preparatory Charter School
sociedad latina
$ 2,600
For a youth leader stipend and program equipment for Sonic Life program
Judge Baker Children's Center, fiscal agent for:
mission hill youth collaborative
$ 3,500
For annual "Showcase of the Stars" event to recognize and celebrate youth achievement
Mission Hill Main Streets, fiscal agent for:
community alliance of mission hill
$ 3,000
For planning and implementing an annual Community Day celebration
Mission Hill Health Movement, fiscal agent for:
mission main concerned residents committee
$ 2,290
For special events and monthly diabetes self management group peer support meetings