
2024 MHFNT Grant Awardees Announced

The Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust, Inc. administers and operates a fund that gives grants to community-based Mission Hill and Fenway non-profits, community development corporations, and other civic groups to promote and enhance quality of life. The grants are used for specific projects related to arts and education, youth sports and recreation, and any other categories the board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust deems appropriate. The Board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust congratulates & thanks the applicants for taking the time to do this work for their organizations & their communities. Eighteen (18) grants were awarded this year. The recipients include: 

These grants total $117,391 and represent funding of $56,485 for Mission Hill and $60,906 for Fenway.

Mission Hill recipients include:

  • Mission Safe $13.500 for stipends for six (6) youth in Mission Hill.

  • MH Women's Writing Group $5,720 for women's writing workshops at Parker Hill Library.

  • Sociedad Latina $7,200 for stipends for summer youth leaders.

  • Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. $4,150 for free public summer programs in Fitzgerald Park.

  • Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, fiscal agent for Maria Sanchez House / Roxbury Crossing Senior Building $3,460 for art, dance, and knitting classes for resident seniors

  • Back of Hill Community Development $4,520 for free summer musical events in the Butterfly Park in Mission Hill.

  • Arts Talks Inc. $7,000 for sound and stage equipment and sound technician. for the Mission Hill Arts Festival at Tobin Community Center.

  • Jamad Basketball Camps $6,000 for basketball and empowerment camp for underserved girls in Mission Hill and Fenway.

  • Phillips Brooks House Association, Inc. $4,935 for 2024 Mission Hill Summer Program.

Fenway recipients include:

  • Operation P.E.A.C.E. Northeast, Inc. $9,596 for STEAM-focused 2024 summer academy for Fenway youth.

  • Massachusetts College of Art and Design Foundation, Inc. $4,700 for artist honoraria for 2024 Summer Art on the Plaza events.

  • Friends of Ramler Park, Inc., fiscal agent for Fenway Civic Association $10,000 enhancement of Fenway tree canopy and lilac pruning. 

  • The Fenway Alliance $2,000 for stipends for youth on a newly created Festival Advisory Teen Council.

  • Emerald Necklace Conservancy, Inc. $5,000 for free public programming in newly restored Back Bay Fens.

  • Operation P.E.A.C.E. Northeast, Inc., fiscal agent for Peterborough Senior Center $10,000 for cultural trips, healthy food, and social programs for seniors.

  • The Fenway Community Center at Viridian, Inc. $10,000 for "Creative Connections" series of art and cultural classes.

  • Friends of Ramler Park, Inc. $4,610 for musician fees for summer concert and fountain bowl repair 

  • Boston Comic Arts Foundation, Limited $5,000 for support for Fourth Annual Boston Kids Comics Fest at Northeastern University.

2023 MHFNT Grant Awardees Announced

The Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust, Inc. administers and operates a fund that gives grants to community-based Mission Hill and Fenway non-profits, community development corporations, and other civic groups to promote and enhance quality of life. The grants are used for specific projects related to arts and education, youth sports and recreation, and any other categories the board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust deems appropriate. Due to current COVID-19 restrictions on large indoor meetings the awards ceremony was cancelled this year, and the grants were mailed directly to the award recipients. The Board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust congratulates & thanks the applicants for taking the time to do this work for their organizations & their communities. Sixteen (16) grants were awarded this year. The recipients include: 

These grants total $125,525 and represent funding of $63,400 for Mission Hill and $62,125 for Fenway.

Mission Hill recipients include:

-Arts Talks $10,000 for sound and stage equipment for the Mission Hill Arts Festival summer events.

-STEP Nation, Inc. $4,695 for the second annual Christmas on the Hill.

-Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. $4,530 for summer fitness and art classes and concerts at Fitzgerald Park.

-Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, fiscal agent for Maria Sanchez House / Roxbury Crossing Senior Building $3,355 for summer art and knitting classes and yoga for seniors.

-Mission Hill Health Movement, fiscal agent for Mission Hill Women's Writing Group $4,620 for women's writing workshops at Parker Hill Library.

-Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston $5,000 / Final grant for last phase of construction of the 725-727 Parker Street townhouses.

-MissionSAFE: A New Beginning, Inc. $16,200 for summer internships for nine young adults in Mission Hill.

-Sociedad Latina, Inc. $10,000 for stipends for youth leaders in Workforce Development Pathways program.

-Mission Hill Health Movement, fiscal agent for  Charlesbank Cooperative Corporation $5,000 / Matching grant for dog walking area for assistance dogs for persons with disabilities instead of "companion dog walking area for residents”.

Fenway recipients include:

-Operation P.E.A.C.E. Northeast, Inc. $9,000 for creation of a "maker space" to support learning, creativity, and personal development for Fenway youth.

-Massachusetts College of Art and Design Foundation $7,000 for 2023 Summer Plaza Activation Project

-Friends of Ramler Park, fiscal agent for Fenway Civic Association $5,000 for musicians' fees for events in the Back Bay Fens and Ramler Park and fitness classes in Symphony Park in 2023.

-FENSFund, Inc. $8,850 / Matching grant for a design project to rehabilitate the Agassiz Road Duck House for use as a community space.

-Emerald Necklace Conservancy, Inc. $4,600 for Fenway Porchfest, Tuesday with Roses, and Muddy River Cleanup events. 

-Operation P.E.A.C.E. Northeast, Inc., fiscal agent for  Peterborough Senior Center $10,000 for cultural trips, healthy food, and technology upgrades for seniors.

-The Fenway Community Center at Viridian, Inc. $5,650 for Fenway Focus monthly speaker series.

-Solo Foundation, fiscal agent for [ bitsandflow ] $3,025 / Final grant for Fenway Memory Project.

- Kaji Aso Studio, Inc. $9,000 for support of concert music series and marketing for 50th Anniversary Recognition Project.

2022 MHFNT Grant Awardees Announced

The Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust, Inc. administers and operates a fund that gives grants to community-based Mission Hill and Fenway non-profits, community development corporations, and other civic groups to promote and enhance quality of life. The grants are used for specific projects related to arts and education, youth sports and recreation, and any other categories the board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust deems appropriate. Due to current COVID-19 restrictions on large indoor meetings the awards ceremony was cancelled this year, and the grants were mailed directly to the award recipients. The Board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust congratulates & thanks the applicants for taking the time to do this work for their organizations & their communities. Sixteen (16) grants were awarded this year. The recipients include: 

Neighborhood Trust Awards $129,037.00 in Community Grants

Mission Hill recipients include:

-Arts Talk, Inc—$5,065 for artist honoraria for the Mission Hill Arts Festival during summer 2022

-Mission Hill Health Movement fiscal agent for Mission Hill Women's Writing Group - $4,900 for women's writing workshops in Mission Hill

-MissionSAFE A New Beginning, Inc. - $16,200 for summer stipends for nine young adults in Mission Hill

-Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc.— $5,510 for tai chi classes and concerts at Fitzgerald Park

-Sociedad Latina, Inc. — $7,000 for stipends for youth leaders in workforce development program

-Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston — $19,000 for siding of the residential townhouses on Parker Street

-Mission Hill Health Movement, fiscal agent for Community Alliance of Mission Hill — $1,615 for creation of website for the organization

-Mission Hill Health Movement, fiscal agent for Mission Hill Artists Collective—$1,500 for three art shows in Mission Hill

-Phillips Brooks House Association, Inc., fiscal agent for Mission Hill Summer Program—$4,500 for stipends for youth counselors

Fenway recipients include:

-The Trustees of Reservations, fiscal agent for Symphony Road Community Garden— $7,000 for infrastructure improvements only by outside contractors (no staff time)

-Fenway Community Development Corporation, Inc. —$8,250 for Porchfest 2022

-Operation P.E.A.C.E. Northeast, Inc., fiscal agent for Peterborough Senior Center—$8,580 for cultural trips and healthy food for seniors

-Friends of Ramler Park, fiscal agent for Fenway Civic Association—$2,600 for musicians' fees for three events in Fenway during 2022

-Emerald Necklace Conservancy—$4,000 for costs associated with two events in Fenway during 2022 (July 9 and September 24) 

-The Fenway Community Center at Viridian, Inc. — $8,000 for Health and Wellness programming

-Operation P.E.A.C.E. Northeast, Inc. — $8,000 for update of youth center (physical space and technology upgrade)

-Kaji Aso Studio, Inc. — $7,500 for concert music series and marketing

- Solo Foundation, fiscal agent for [ bitsandflow ] — $9,817 for Fenway oral history project production costs

2021 MHFNT Grant Awardees Announced

The Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust, Inc. administers and operates a fund that gives grants to community-based Mission Hill and Fenway non-profits, community development corporations, and other civic groups to promote and enhance quality of life. The grants are used for specific projects related to arts and education, youth sports and recreation, and any other categories the board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust deems appropriate. Due to current COVID-19 restrictions on large indoor meetings the awards ceremony was cancelled this year, and the grants were mailed directly to the award recipients. The Board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust congratulates & thanks the applicants for taking the time to do this work for their organizations & their communities. Sixteen (16) grants were awarded this year. The recipients include: 

Neighborhood Trust Awards $115,000 in Community Grants

Mission Hill recipients include:

-Alice Taylor Advisory Council—$1,500 for starting a walking group 

-Arts Talk, Inc—$6,000 for a series of six cultural events this summer, including music, dance, poetry, visual arts and dialogue with artists, at the Tobin Community Center’s Backyard gathering space

-Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston—$10,000 for building materials for two new residences

-Mission Hill Health Movement—$4,450 for the Gore St. community garden

-MissionSAFE A New Beginning—$9,000 for a program mentoring Mission Hill youth

-Mission Hill Main Street—$2,050 for maintenance of watering cart and to help pay individuals to water planters in the Mission Hill commercial district

-Phillips Brooks House Assn.—$4,500 for a summer camp program for youth

-Sociedad Latina—$5,000 for youth internships

-Tobin Community Center—$6,000 for a new outdoor mural and three family events

-Yard Time Entertainment—$5,000 to support a mentorship program for formerly incarcerated individuals and their families

Fenway recipients include:

-Fenway Civic Association—$800 for a summer picnic and holiday tree lighting

-Fenway Community Center —$13,000 to support the Navigators USA program

-Fenway Community Development Corp.—$8,000 to support workforce counseling

-Fenway Education & Neighborhood Support Fund (FENSFund)—$8,000 for concerts and readings

-Fenway News Association—$13,950 for a year-long marketing campaign to support local restaurants’ post-pandemic recovery.

-Friends of Ramler Park—$6,590 for new trash receptacles 

-Kaji Aso Studio—$3,500 for operations support

-Peterborough Senior Center—$8,290 to support the Healthy Food program

2020 MHFNT Grant Awardees Announced

The Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust, Inc. administers and operates a fund that gives grants to community-based Mission Hill and Fenway non-profits, community development corporations, and other civic groups to promote and enhance quality of life. The grants are used for specific projects related to arts and education, youth sports and recreation, and any other categories the board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust deems appropriate. Due to current COVID-19 restrictions on large indoor meetings the awards ceremony was cancelled this year, and the grants were mailed directly to the award recipients. The Board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust congratulates & thanks the applicants for taking the time to do this work for their organizations & their communities. Sixteen (16) grants were awarded this year. The recipients include: 

Sociedad Latina $2,750 Latino Heritage Month celebration 

Huntington Avenue YMCA $4,500 Emergency food distribution to address food insecurity in Mission Hill and Fenway

Mission Hill Women's Writing Group $3,670 Women's Writing Workshop in Spring 2021

Mission Hill Health Movement $5,150, Initiatives to commemorate 50th anniversary

Mission Hill Artists Collective $2,500 Website redesign and video instruction workshops

Boston Building Resources $10,000 Rack and display system for the Reuse Center in Mission Hill

MissionSAFE $12,600 Internships for 15 youth in Mission Hill

Mission Main Tenant Task Force $6,950 Four annual community events for residents

Fenway Community Development Corporation $9,000 Social Capital Inc. (SCI) AmeriCorps Fellow for workforce development programs

Fenway Civic Association $800 Musician fees for community events in June and December

Friends of Ramler Park $1,252 Replacement/addition of plants and shrubs in Ramler Park

Fenway Community Center $10,000 Establishing the Boston Chapter of Navigators USA at FCC

Fenway Cares $20,000 Produce boxes and COVID-19 safety materials to residents in need in Fenway and Mission Hill

Operation P.E.A.C.E. Northeast $7,660 Summer and afterschool staff person and resource toolkits

Peterborough Senior Center $7,353 Healthy food and cultural trips for seniors

Kaji Aso Studio $3,500 General operating support to match funds from Boston Cultural Council 

2019 MHFNT Grant Awardees Announced

Trustees of the Boston Public Library, fiscal agent for Friends of the Parker Hill Branch Library
$2,000 for audio system for the library’s lecture hall

Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc.
$5,300 for summer tai chi and yoga programs and jazz concerts at Kevin Fitzgerald Park 

Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc., fiscal agent for Roxbury Crossing Senior Building
$4,250 for senior exercise and art programs at Maria Sanchez House

Sociedad Latina
$2,750 for Latino Heritage Month celebration

Mission Hill Community Schools Council Inc., fiscal agent for Tobin Community Center
$5,100 for summer outdoor events in the renovated Ida Graves Yard

Mission Hill Health Movement, fiscal agent for Mission Hill Artists Collective
$1,625 for landscape painting workshop and pop-up art shows in 2019-2020

MissionSAFE – A New Beginning
$10,800 for summer paid internship program for 9 youth in Mission Hill

Boston Pirates Youth Sports, Inc.
$2,000 for baseball and softball equipment for indoor use for off-season training

Phillips Brooks House Association, Inc. 
$4,000 for Mission Hill Summer Program for youth living in Mission Hill

YMCA of Greater Boston / Huntington Branch
$3,500 for summer camp scholarships for 5 Mission Hill youth

Mission Hill Health Movement
$1,540 for Mission Hill line dance party and farmers market tastings

Emerald Necklace Conservancy, Inc., fiscal agent for Fenway Civic Association
$2,300 for public fitness classes at Symphony Community Park and musical entertainment for 2 public events in Fenway’s Back Bay Fens

Fenway Alliance, Inc.
$6,000 for artist honoraria for Fenway Porchfest in June

Operation P.E.A.C.E. Northeast, Inc., fiscal agent for Peterborough Senior Center
$8,700 for field trips and healthy food program for seniors

Operational P.E.A.C.E. Northeast, Inc.
$7,670 for Summer Academy youth enrichment program for Fenway youth

Friends of Ramler Park, Inc.
$2,800 preventative care for trees in Ramler Park

Emerald Necklace Conservancy
$3,000 for Community Movie Night in the Back Bay Fens

Fenway Community Center at Viridian, Inc.
$10,000 for “Health and Wellness for All” programming at Fenway Community Center

Events - Amounts funded in 2018 by the Mission Hill/Fenway Neighborhood Trust, Inc.

2018 Event Announcements………

Ramler Park Summer Sunset Concert

130 Peterborough St, West Fenway, Boston
Monday, August 13, 2018
6:30 P.M. (Rain date 8/16)

Mission Hill Community Art Show

Parker Hill Branch of the Boston Public Library
1497 Tremont Street, Mission Hill, MA
Exhibit Dates : July 28 through October 15, 2018
Opening Reception : Thursday, September 6th at 6:00 - 7:30 P.M.

2018 MHFNT Grant Awardees Announced

Organizations and amounts funded in 2018 by the Mission Hill/Fenway Neighborhood Trust, Inc.

Photo Credit: Sarah Noreiga

Photo Credit: Sarah Noreiga

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mission Grammar School
Buggy and Sandbox for Early Childhood Center

Phillips Brooks House Association, Inc.
Mission Hill Summer Program for youth living in Mission Hill 

Mission Hill Link, Inc.
Continuation of pilot projects for Saturday service and GPS tracking system

Mission Hill Health Movement, fiscal agent for Barbara Beckwith and Elena Harap Dodd, women's writing workshop coaches
Women’s writing workshop at Parker Hill Branch Library

Mission Hill Main Streets
Portable 50-gallon watering cart

Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc
Summer Tai Chi program and 3 jazz concerts at Kevin Fitzgerald Park

Mission Hill Community Schools Council Inc., fiscal agent for Tobin Community Center
New equipment upgrades to the fitness center to recruit more seniors, women, and girls

Mission Hill Main Streets, fiscal agent for INFocus Camera Club
Two photography workshops and a solo exhibition

Trustees of the Boston Public Library, fiscal agent for Friends of the Parker Hill Branch Library
Community yoga classes for ages 55 and over

Roxbury Tenants of Harvard Association
Mystery field trips for resident seniors

Summer internship program for youth in Mission Hill

Dorchester Youth Collaborative, fiscal agent for [ bitsandflow ]
Documenting oral histories of the Fenway and hosting workshops and panel discussions in the community

Friends of Ramler Park, Inc., fiscal agent for Maria Jane Loizou & Friends
Evening concert in Ramler Park in August

Fenway Community Development Corporation
AmeriCorps Fellow to support expansion of Resident Services and Workforce Development programs

Friends of Ramler Park, Inc.
Organic lawn care in Ramler Park

YMCA of Greater Boston / Huntington Avenue YMCA
Summer camp scholarships for Fenway youth

Kaji Aso Studio
Forty-fifth anniversary celebration at annual Prudential Center Art Exhibition

Operation P.E.A.C.E.
Summer Academy youth enrichment program

Operation P.E.A.C.E., fiscal agent for Peterborough Senior Center
Recreational and cultural field trips and healthy food program for seniors


2017 MHFNT Grant Awardees Announced

Organizations and amounts funded in 2017 by the Mission Hill/Fenway Neighborhood Trust, Inc.

Youth at Operation P.E.A.C.E. and seniors from the Peterborough Senior Center.Photo: Sarah Noreiga

Youth at Operation P.E.A.C.E. and seniors from the Peterborough Senior Center.
Photo: Sarah Noreiga

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mission Grammar School
Chairs for Early Childhood Center, CPR classes

Phillips Brooks House Association, fiscal agent for:

Mission Hill Summer Program
Summer program for youth living in Mission Hill

Mission Hill Link, Inc.
Pilot program for Saturday service and GPS tracking system

Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, fiscal agent for:

María Sánchez House / Roxbury Crossing Senior Building LP
Creative programming for resident seniors

Mission Hill Fenway Buccaneers Pop Warner Organization
Reconditioning of helmets and shoulder pads

Edgar P. Benjamin Healthcare Center
Refurbished flooring in the Community Learning Center

Tobin Community Center
Flooring, tables, and chairs for Teen Room upgrade

Mission Hill Main Streets, fiscal agent for:

INFocus Camera Club
Two photography workshops for residents of Mission Hill

Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services
Tai Chi program May through August at Kevin Fitzgerald Park

Mission Hill Artists Collective
Two seasonal pop-up shows in Mission Hill

Back of the Hill CDC, fiscal agent for:

McLaughlin Woodland and Orchard Stewards
Restoration work in three natural areas in Mission Hill

MissionSAFE: A New Beginning
Field trips for Summer Experiential Internship Program

Sociedad Latina, Inc.
Alumni youth artist and equipment for Latino Heritage Month Tour

Dorchester Youth Collaborative, fiscal agent for

Tim Ney, [ bits and flow ]
Monthly series of workshops in the Fenway in arts/technology/culture

Emerald Necklace Conservancy, fiscal agent for:

Fenway Civic Association
Tai Chi classes on Thursdays 10-11AM and two concerts in Symphony Park

Fenway Garden Society, Inc.
Design and fabrication of signage in the Fenway Victory Gardens

Friends of Ramler Park, fiscal agent for:

Maria Jane Loizou & Friends
Evening summertime concert on 14 August 2017 at 6:30PM in Ramler Park (rain date 17 August)

Emerald Necklace Conservancy
Community Movie Night on 22 August 2017 at 7:30PM in the Back Bay Fens (rain date 29 August)

Friends of Ramler Park, Inc.
Rabbit-proof fencing in Ramler Park

Kaji Aso Studio
Expansion of “A Spot of Beauty” Annual Art Exhibition. Opening Ceremony 4 November 2017, Prudential Center Newbury Arcade.

Operation P.E.A.C.E.
Summer Academy youth enrichment program

Operation P.E.A.C.E., fiscal agent for:

Peterborough Senior Center
Cultural field trips and hot lunches for seniors

Youth at Operation P.E.A.C.E. and seniors from the Peterborough Senior Center. Photo: Sarah Noreiga